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UNIT 4. WAREHOUSING AND STORAGE Vocabulary of the unit

Warehousing – хранение на складах
box pallet – ящичная тара
palletized storage – хранение грузов на поддонах
stackable – складируемый, штабелируемый
racking – стеллажное оборудование
junk – утильсырье
wholesaler – оптовик
barcode – штрих-код
aisle - проход между рядами
adjustable - регулируемый
bulky – крупно-габаритный
rigid - жесткий
collapsible – складывающийся, сжимаемый
storage – хранение, склад
inventory – инвентаризация, запас
invoice – счет, накладная

1. Look at the supply chain. Say at which link of the chain warehousing and inventory should be used. Explain your choice.

2. Name the main functions of warehousing and inventory.


3. Match these words with their definitions.

  1. run
  2. pallet
  3. demands
  4. forklift truck
  5. strategicaIly
  6. wholesalers
  7. importers
  8. facilities
  9. crane
  10. storing
  1. planned for a particular purpose
  2. a small , low platform where goods are placed for storage
  3. keeping in a particular place for future use
  4. a small vehicle with two front prongs for lifting and moving goods
  5. people who sell large quantities of goods for resale
  6. another word for manage
  7. a machine for lifting and moving heavy weights
  8. another word for requirements
  9. people who bring goods into a country to sell them
  10. things designed to offer a particular service

4. Listen to this extract from a presentation about a new warehouse management system and complete the sentences.

  1. I think this new warehouse area management system WMS 2X would help us cut costs and our processes.
  2. One great advantage of WMS 2X is that we could reduce the number of warehouses across Canada.
  3. Another interesting feature of WMS 2X is customer order .
  4. Warehouse could be improved as well by transferring departments.
  5. WMS 2X would also help us reduce warehouse area and ground .
  6. The could be achieved by installing an automated storage and system.
  7. The new system would also enable us to the material flow at any given moment.
  8. This allows printing of labels, brochures and customer in 25 languages.

5. Complete the descriptions of typical warehouse equipment and systems. Use the adjectives from the box.

6. Listen to the steps in integrated packing location system and put them in the correct order (1-8).

  1. You scan the barcode of the shipping label,
  2. The system calculates the weight of the package,
  3. You enter the system.
  4. You choose means of transport.
  5. You can put together packages.
  6. The shipping labels are printed.
  7. You can see and access all positions in the container,
  8. The order is complete - system prints delivery note.


Opinions and agreeing or disagreeing
Asking for opinions

What do you think?
How do you feel about this?
What’s your opinion of …?

Giving your opinion
I think …
In my opinion …
If you ask me…

I agree.
I think so too.

No, sorry, I disagree.
I’m afraid I don’t agree
I can’t go along with that.

7. Look through the list of the means of warehousing optimization.
Discuss which of them can be efficient.
Use word-combinations from the box above.

- Throw out the junk
- Move excess and out-of-season product to other storage areas
- Use the overhead space efficiently
- Make the aisle narrower
- Eliminate the space above the product in individual slots
- Stack pallets on top of each other
- . . .

8. Read the text and answer the questions.

Logistics and Warehouses

A warehouse is a commercial building for storage of goods. Warehouses are used by manufacturers, importers, exporters, wholesalers, transport businesses etc. They are usually large plain buildings in industrial areas of cities, towns and villages, strategically positioned to be close to main transport facilities such as ports, roads, stations and rivers. They usually have loading docks to load and unload goods from trucks. Sometimes warehouses are designed for the loading and unloading of goods directly from railways, airports, or seaports. They often have cranes and forklift trucks for moving goods, which are usually placed on ISO standard pallets loaded into pallet racks. Stored goods can include any raw materials, packing materials, spare parts, components, or finished goods associated with agriculture, manufacturing, or commerce. Organizing a warehouse well is essential for efficient loading, storing and unloading of goods, as it saves time, space and therefore money. Over the last twenty years warehouses have changed a lot, mainly due to new technology and business demands. Modern warehouses are now almost fully automated - they require very few people to run them - and they employ \'Just in Time\' techniques, so goods are never stored for very long, meaning savings in space and money.

  1. Why is the location of a warehouse so important?
  2. What type of equipment is commonly used in a warehouse?
  3. Why is the organization of a warehouse so fundamental?
  4. What factors have caused warehouses to change in recent years?
  5. What are the consequences of automation in a warehouse?

9. Read an ad about the services offered by a company.

Maxwell Express Logistics
Warehousing is just one of the integrated logistics services we provide. Here are some value-added services we can offer:
Pick and pack Returns processing
Literature fulfilment Credit processing ... and much more!

Imagine that you are the owner of a modern warehousing facility and you have to write an advertisement describing the facilities you have to attract potential customers.
