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сonsignment – груз, партия товаров, накладная
fragile – хрупкий
freight village – логистический центр
tenants of the spaces – арендаторы помещений
mark – маркировать
label – этикетка
failure rate – коэффициент брака
imperative – обязанность, долг
сlamp – скреплять

1. What are the factors influencing your choice of transport method for a shipment.


2. Listen to the telephone dialogue and complete the sentences with the words from the box.

3. Match the beginnings of the sentences (1 - 6) with the endings (a - f).

  1. I would need some information
  2. Could you let me know
  3. In that case I suggest that you
  4. For a consignment this size I
  5. Of course it would also be
  6. We can also arrange transport
  1. would recommend rail transport,
  2. by courier if you prefer,
  3. regarding loading times,
  4. what the transit times are?
  5. possible to ship by express service instead,
  6. use the cheaper sea freight option.

4. Match the images with their meanings

Clamp as indicated
Do not clamp as indicated
Keep away from rain
This way up
Keep away from sunlight
Use no hand hooks
Centre of gravity

5. International freight forwarders based in Chicago give some shipping instructions on their website. Complete the sentences with words from the box.

mark • clearance • withstand • weight • appointed • exhibitor • importing • individually

Shipping Instructions
As the official international freight forwarder by EXPO CHICAGO, we will co-ordinate all international shipments and arrange customs for this event. Please carefully read the following information regarding shipping requirements for goods into the US. Packing and Marking
  1. Ensure that all boxes are securely packed in order to handling by carriers and onsite contractors.
  2. Clearly all cartons, cases, or crates on two sides.
  3. If you ship your goods in a container, make sure that all cartons are marked and labelled in the following manner:
    Name of
    Number of stand:
    Case number (...) of (...)
    Total in kg:

6. Fill in the gaps with prepositions.

by • on • with • in • out • to • between • of


I\'m afraid there is a problem the scheduled deliveries France next week. Our customer GLP Pharma in Budapest has just informed me that they are already of stock and need an urgent delivery of the 5 mg 20 and 70 piece packs this week instead next week.

If possible, we must try to make one partial delivery Wednesday (or as soon as the packaging is finished) of the 5mg 20 packs.

We need a direct truck our production plant in Germany and Budapest. If we can ship the first part on Wednesday morning, the truck should arrive Budapest on Thursday afternoon.

The second delivery should be made on Friday with the rest of the 5mg 20 and the 70 packs. As the products are needed Monday, the truck must be unloaded in Budapest on Saturday or Sunday.

Please let me know if there are any problems!


Jackson Smith

Logistics Manager

7. Listen to a dialogue between a manufacturer and a supplier. Put the manufacture’s lines (a-i) into the right order

Telling someone that something cannot be handled in the way it was planned or that something has gone wrong can be difficult. That’s why it is important to stay calm and use polite language. It is usually a good idea to say what the problem is exactly and then explain the situation. We often use beginnings such as I ’m afraid ... or I’m sorry, b u t ..., even if we are not responsible for the problem.

First, we give a brief introduction and then go on to explain the situation in more detail:
I’m afraid there is a problem with customs clearance.
I’m sorry, but there will be a delivery delay.

We may also want to give reasons for the problem:
The delay was caused by a rail strike in Italy.
The consignment has to be repacked because the carton is damaged.
There was a delay because of bad weather.
There was a delay because the weather was bad.

We may also want to talk about contrast, e.g. when we explain that there was a problem, but it hasn’t affected the outcome:
Although the load wasn’t secured properly, it arrived intact.
The load wasn’t secured properly, but it arrived intact.
In spite of the strike, the consignment arrived on time.
Despite being delayed, the consignment arrived on time.

Sometimes we also need to explain the consequences of certain events:
The result was that the goods didn’t leave the warehouse until Friday.
As a result, the shipment arrived two hours late.
There’s fog at the airport so the flight hasn’t taken off yet.

8. Make up a dialogue about delivery delay. Use the phrases from the box above.

9. Read the text and choose the best title for each paragraph (A-D).

  1. Description of the main activities of a freight village.
  2. Introduction to the concept of freight village.
  3. Final statement on a freight village.
  4. Extra information on freight villages.

Intermodal Freight Transport

1. A freight village is a complex set of facilities where all the activities relating to transport, logistics and distribution of goods are carried out on a commercial basis by various operators, who can either be the owners or the tenants of the spaces (warehouses, storage areas, offices, car parks etc.). It must be equipped with public facilities and, if possible, include public services for the staff and users. Other names for a freight village are: logistics park/centre, transport centre or logistics hub.

2. A freight village enables change from one given transport mode to another (modal shift) through a set of technologies that facilitate the transfer. It is served by several transport modes (road, rail, deep sea, inland waterway, air) to encourage intermodal transport for the handling of goods. The most common examples of modal shifts are: train (rail) to lorry (road); barge (inland waterway) to train or lorry; airplane (air) to lorry.

3. A freight village requires different activities such as warehousing, economic activities, support activities, unified management. The warehouse is the infrastructure where the transport operator mostly performs his business. This activity may include the division of the goods into smaller quantities for a more functional distribution. Logistics hubs need active distribution centres and several industrial activities in the neighbourhood that can exploit the modal shift facilities within the village. Support activities include support services like lorry rest areas, office space, restaurants, banking, shops and hotels. Unified Management requires that the village is often under the management of a single entity.

4. A freight village is the right solution to satisfy the increasing requirements of a complex business based on transport. In order to work well it is imperative that the village is run by a single body, either public or private.

10. Write an email informing a customer about shipment.

Include the following information:

  1. The order number.
  2. The date of shipment
  3. Mode of transport (road, air, rail, sea).
  4. Place of delivery.
  5. Date of arrival at the customer’s site.