m1 = '\


\ procurement - поставка, приобретение
\ warehouse - склад
\ maintenance - поддержка, сохранение, уход, содержание
\ supply - обеспечение, снабжение
\ delivery - доставка
\ freight - стоимость груза, груз
\ haulage - перевозка
\ consignee - грузополучатель
\ vendor - поставщик, покупатель
\ customs clearance - таможенное оформление
\ shipping - погрузка

1. Name different areas connected with logistics.

\ \
\ - LOGISTICS - \ \ \

2. Listen to different definitions of logistics.
Complete the sentences using the words from the box.


Listen to the recording and check your answers.


3. Match the definitions (a - f) with the words (1 - 6) below.

  1. carrier \
  2. freight forwarder \
  3. supplier \
  4. haulage contractor/haulier \
  5. courier \
  6. consignee \
\ \
  1. company which carries goods by road\
  2. person or firm named in a freight contract to whom goods have been shipped or turned over for care \
  3. company that specializes in the speedy and secure delivery of small goods and packages \
  4. company that transports or conveys goods \
  5. company which supplies parts or services to another company also called vendor \
  6. person or business that arranges documentation and travel facilities for companies dispatching goods to customers.

4. Listen to three people describing their jobs in logistics.
Now listen again and complete the sentences.

\ a warehouse manager a freight forwarder a shipping operations manager\

\ Person 1
  1. My job is to the transport of goods either by sea, air, road, or rail.\
  2. An important part of the job is with customer requests about the most suitable mode of transport.\
  3. My responsibilities also include good shipping rates with shipping lines and transport companies.\
  4. I customs clearance on behalf of my clients.
Person 2
  1. In my job I have to that the cargo is not damaged onboard the ship or while loading or unloading.\
  2. I customers on shipping rates and prepare quotations for our sales office.
Person 3
  1. Another part of my job is to with departments such as transport and production.\
  2. Apart from that, I that vehicles, machines, and any other kind of equipment are maintained to a high level.


5. Replace the underlined verbs with words from the box that have the same meaning

provide • train • organize • ensure • inform about • check
  1. We supply software for the car industry. \
  2. Our company often advise clients on the most suitable transport method. \
  3. In my job I have to make sure that passengers arrive on schedule. \
  4. My job is to supervise incoming goods. \
  5. Our department also plans the transport of goods. \
  6. I instruct staff.

\ Questions
\ What do you do?
\ What’s your line of work?
\ What does your job involve?

\ Describing jobs
\ I work for a major shipping company.
\ I work in the regional depot.

\ Describing responsibilities
\ I’m responsible for...
\ In my job I have to ...
\ My job involves...

\ Remember...
\ You work for or at a company.
\ You work in an area or a department.
\ You are responsible for or in charge of something.

\ Here are some useful verbs for describing key job responsibilities:
to advise
to prepare
to train
to manage
to oversee
to provide or supply
to ensure
to review



6. Make up a dialogue with your partner about job responsibilities of logisticians using phrases from the box above.



7. Read the text about a logistician job and answer the questions

\ A professional working in the field of logistics management is called a logistician. The main functions of a qualified logistician include, among other things, inventory management, purchasing, transportation, warehousing, consultation and organizing and planning of these activities. Logisticians are responsible for the life cycle and supply chain operations of a variety of products. They are also responsible for customs documentation. They regularly work with other departments to ensure that the customers’ needs and requirements are met. Logisticians work in nearly every industry. Most logisticians work for either large shipping firms or international distribution companies. This career experienced a rapid growth in the mid-1980s as manufacturing firms shifted to just in time delivery. As a result of this change, it was necessary to schedule and manage the movement of large volumes of materials all over the world. This career has continued to grow, with the enhancement of computer technology that allows more firms to take advantage of this cost-reduction measure. Managing the supply chain is the top priority for a logistician. The supply chain refers to every step in the process from the procurement of materials to the production and shipment of those materials to different locations.\

  1. Where can logisticians work?\
  2. What are responsibilities of logisticians?

8. Write an application letter to the following job ad.


Logistics International is looking for a logistics manager to run its east African office. Based in Nairobi, you will work closely with supply chain specialists and play a leading role in all the company’s commercial activities in the region.


The applicant should be a graduate with a working knowledge of English. He/she should also have geographical and analytical abilities and be apt for making quick decisions. Customer service and people skills are welcome. Computer and Internet usage are required.


In addition to a performance-related salary, we provide an attractive benefits package.


Please reply to: Holmes Executive Search, PO Box 4546, London, UK
